A PDF of the instructions sheet can be downloaded here

Planning and preparation will help you to get the most out of workshops and should be carried out at least 10 days ahead of a workshop to minimise potential issues.

Check your cards
The toolkit contains a card which lists the quantities of cards. Check they are complete before commencing a workshop. To request a replacement for a missing card please email hello@wayshaper.co.uk at least 10 days in advance of the workshop.

Online resources
The options workshop cards link to web pages containing more information. These are accessed via the web addresses or the QR codes shown on each card. Access to these is granted under your account. Check that you can log in to your account here or by accessing one of the resource pages listed here.

Virtual workshops
Any participants joining a workshop via video call will need their own toolkits which can be ordered from hello@wayshaper.co.uk at least 10 days in advance of a workshop.

Card updates
From time to time cards will be updated or added. Information about forthcoming updates will be sent to the email address registered under the Wayshaper account and cards will be posted to the registered address.

Building standards

Understand whether the homes need to adhere to particular standards as this may impact on choice of retrofit options, e.g.
• Improved energy performance certificate (EPC) rating
• Nearly zero-emission building (NZEB)
• Passive House EnerPHit
• Association for Environment Conscious Building (AECB) Retrofit Standard
• London Energy Transformation Initiative (LETI)
• Energiesprong

Property information
Gather the following information before conducting a workshop:
• EPC certificate or link to an online certificate for all buildings involved in the retrofit
• Listed building or conservation area status, if applicable
• Record of known issues with building fabric, heating, or hot water

During later stages of the retrofit process you’ll need to gather further information. This is not essential for the Wayshaper workshops, but there should be consideration for gathering the following documents to assist you later in the process:
• Building conditions survey
• Details of any existing retrofit measures
• Floor plans and other drawings
• Survey details showing building structure, e.g. materials used in walls, roofing etc

Objectivity and equity
It’s helpful to agree an objective metric by which different homes can be compared, so that retrofit works can be prioritised for those most in need, and where the greatest positive impact can be made. The energy performance certificate (EPC) for each home is one way of comparing energy efficiency and related fuel consumption and cost.

However, it’s important to take into account the individual circumstances of residents whose experience may differ from that of other residents. For example residents with lower mobility, or who experience greater sensitivity or particular impacts on their health as a result of conditions such as overheating or being cold.

Conversations workshop instructions

The aim of this stage is to explore what’s important to residents in terms of their domestic energy consumption, the related carbon emissions, and their well-being and comfort in their homes

1. Property information

Have the property information detailed in the workshop preparation notes to hand.

2. Agree terms

State the process which is to be used for holding the conversation in a fair way so that all voices are heard, and state the process for decision-making.

3. Vision and values

State the vision and values shared between the residents, so that decision-making reflects the shared intentions.

4. Discuss

Discuss the conversation topics in any order. Record the needs and preferences of residents, some of which may be common amongst residents, whereas others may be specific to a particular resident or their home. These findings will be used to help prioritise the retrofit works to be considered in the options workshop. The workshop may need to be carried out over more than one sitting.

The numbers of residents reporting problems or preferences can be written on the workshop cards, to create a quantitative assessment of needs.

Larger groups: the conversations questionnaire

Larger groups of residents may make a face-to-face workshop impractical. A questionnaire can be used instead to gather responses to the conversation topics.

Visit the conversations page to obtain:
• The series of questions to be used in your chosen survey software along with notes on software options
• A questionnaire PDF which can be filled in on a computer or printed out

5. Outcomes

Whether gathered during a face-to-face workshop or via the questionnaire, there should now be a quantitative overview of any problems experienced by residents in relation to the areas covered by a retrofit.

However, as mentioned under ‘objectivity and equity’ there needs to be a qualitative assessment to take into account the different needs of residents. This toolkit is designed to help you navigate the retrofit options available in an objective way, but the final decisions will always be made subject to the residents’ own methods of achieving equity.

Conversations workshop card example

Options workshop instructions

This workshop can be carried out with all residents involved when there is a smaller group, or else just a working group who are responsible for planning and execution of the retrofit, representing the needs and preferences gathered in the conversations workshop or questionnaire

1. Property information

Have the property information detailed in the workshop preparation notes to hand.

2. Options cards

The sets of options cards are numbered and should be tackled in that order. This holistic approach follows a fabric first process, by firstly tackling energy losses through insulation and airtightness improvements along with any necessary remedial works, before progressing to ventilation, building services, and renewable energy systems. There are multiple options within each section to take account of the differing characteristics and constraints of the residents’ homes, as well as their differing needs and preferences expressed in the conversations workshop.

The cards note whether retrofit options impact on each other, whether any should be carried out in a particular order, and which can be carried out simultaneously to reduce cost and disruption.

3. Use the web resources linked to cards

Refer to the linked online resources to help deepen understanding of the options of most value and impact. The final selection of options can now be fed into a broad action plan and explored further with specialist support.

How to read the options cards

The options cards provide concise overviews of each of the potential retrofit measures you may consider. They’re not intended to be exhaustive in their descriptions, but to broadly outline the main benefits and considerations, with more detailed information available on the Wayshaper website.

Options workshop card example, showing information about Air source heat pump technology
Traffic light system

Options cards include a system to highlight key considerations.

Carbon cost-effectiveness

This is a way of measuring the relationship between the fuel cost savings and the emissions reduction in tonnes of CO2 (tCO2), calculated based on the lifespan of each individual measure, using the following formula:

Relative cost

These are broad indicators and should be used as a comparative metric rather than for planning budgets.


Many works can be carried out in separate stages whilst the home is being lived in, reducing disruption. However, combining works can reduce overall cost.