Company registration

Wayshaper is owned by The Confederation of Co-operative Housing. The Confederation of Co-operative Housing Ltd is registered in England and Wales as a company limited by guarantee with registration Number 03284884 and the registered office address is 19 Devonshire Road, Liverpool, L8 3TX. The company can be contacted by email at


All prices are shown inclusive of VAT. The Confederation of Co-operative Housing VAT registration number is GB784473686.


Subscriptions run for 12 months and begin on the day of purchase. Subscriptions end automatically at the end of the period, and can be renewed by purchasing a subscription renewal in the online shop. The Confederation of Co-operative Housing reserves the right to withdraw renewals from offer.

Cancellations and returns

Under the distance selling rules customers have the right to cancel their subscription within 14 days of the purchase date by email notification to Customers must return physical goods within 14 days of notice of cancellation and are responsible for postage costs and insuring goods in transit, using a tracked and signed for postal service. Refunds will be issued within 14 days of goods being received. Physical goods should be addressed to 15 Bridgepoint Lofts, 6 Shaftesbury Road, London E7 8PL.

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